The A-Z of Training: N is for Necessary

All roles have an element of necessary training. This is the bare minimum training required to satisfy the demands of the job. Our previous article, Preventing Personal Injury Claims Through Training, presented the minimum requirements to demonstrate a responsible attitude to the health and safety of your employees.

Going beyond the basic health and safety requirements, there is always a need to establish what training will be required for a specific job. It may be training to operate a piece of machinery or alternatively a process to be followed. These can sometimes be identified from the job description, however where the role is technical it can be useful to discuss the training needs with the line manager or a subject matter expert to ensure that you know what will be required.

Armed with a full understanding of the training required for a role, you can begin to develop an appropriate training programme. You should consult your existing library of training courses to see where you have ready-made resources that can be reused, and where new training is required you can look to create it. Over time you should be able to develop a complete library of courses and training materials for all roles in your organisation.

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Dr Adam Chester is a cofounder of Prodeceo.

He is excited about empowering Training Managers and Learning and Development professionals with technology that is easy to use.

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