Online Training For Seasonal Employees

As throngs of students cheer the end of their exams and begin looking for summer work there is a fantastic opportunity for companies to take on enthusiastic workers.

Temporary workers can help with managing seasonal demands in your business, whether it is for a hectic summer or busy festive period. This temporary workforce can both bolster the ranks, and plug shortages created by staff holidays and illness.

The issue for training managers is balancing the training time allocated to temporary staff with the time that they are able to work. In addition to this how do you record and account for the training that the influx of trainees receives?

One approach might be to require that your temporary workers complete a portion of the training online, before starting work. By doing this, you can remove some of the training burden from their first few shifts and get them feeling happy and productive as part of your team. Delivering training in this way has the advantage of being automatically recorded when completed which is another worry off your mind!

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Dr Adam Chester is a cofounder of Prodeceo.

He is excited about empowering Training Managers and Learning and Development professionals with technology that is easy to use.

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