The A-Z of Training: R is for Rejuvenation

As many of us return to work rejuvenated after a relaxing summer break there is an opportunity to review our progress this year.

What changes did you plan to make at the start of the year? What were your goals for developing your organisation's training strategy?

Have you:

Whatever your goals you should now be able to see how much progress has been made.

To make the most of your appraisal, you need to be fair and honest. Give yourself credit for what has been achieved and look to improve or change areas that are now working as intended.

If you have achieved all of your goals, what are you planning on doing to surpass the original plan?

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Dr Adam Chester is a cofounder of Prodeceo.

He is excited about empowering Training Managers and Learning and Development professionals with technology that is easy to use.

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