The A-Z of Training: W is for Wonder

Are your training sessions a wonder?

How do you want your learners to feel after particiating in one of your training courses? I hope that after a course, my learners are enthused by the topic taught and are ready to apply it at the next oppertunity. When designing a course, I look for points that the learner can put into practice straight away and then support these with demonstration or discussion.

While I try to make my sessions engaging, I do not want them to be the wonder in themselves. The star of the show should be the learning not the presenter!

How many of your learners are currently wondering about something?

If one of your employees was wondering about something where would they go? Perhaps they would ask a colleague, their line manager or catch you in the canteen at lunch. My suspicion is that this doesn't happen as often as it might. It might be out of fear of asking a silly question or not needing the information immediately and putting it off until they can speak to someone who can help.

This is where having some sort of searchable knowledgebase is a good idea, so that anyone can look up an answer to a question. This is a good first step, but extending this to a forum where people can ask questions and leave answers can help to build a community where people can access information that an be created by everyone, not just the training department.

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Dr Adam Chester is a cofounder of Prodeceo.

He is excited about empowering Training Managers and Learning and Development professionals with technology that is easy to use.

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