The A-Z of Training (Volume 1)
Posted by Adam Chester on 10/11/2014 at 11:24
Here's our first complete A to Z of training, all in one place! We had so much fun with these, we'll be doing another soon!
The A-Z of training: A is for Audience
The A-Z of training: B is for Blended Learning
The A-Z of Training: C is for Compliance Training
The A-Z of Training: D is for Development
The A-Z of Training: E is for Engagement
The A-Z of Training: F is for Failure
The A-Z of Training: G is for Goals
The A-Z of Training: H is for Help
The A-Z of Training: I is for Independence
The A-Z of Training: J is for Justification
The A-Z of Training: K is for Knowledge
The A-Z of Training: L is for Learning Methods
The A-Z of Training: M is for Management
The A-Z of Training: N is for Necessary
The A-Z of Training: O is for Opportunity
The A-Z of Training: P is for Push and Pull
The A-Z of Training: Q is for Quality
The A-Z of Training: R is for Rejuvenation
The A-Z of Training: S is for Safety
The A-Z of Training: T is for Time To Learn
The A-Z of Training: U is for Underdeveloped
The A-Z of Training: V is for Validation
The A-Z of Training: W is for Wonder
The A-Z of Training: X is for Xenos
The A-Z of Training: Y is for Yield
The A-Z of Training: Z is for Zigzag
If you have any suggestions for letters (particularly Q, X, Y and Z) please get in touch.
A Happy Halloween Or A Nasty Surprise?
Posted by Adam Chester on 31/10/2014 at 09:00
A visit from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is always a daunting affair, whether planned or otherwise.

A visit from the HSE- Trick or Treat?.
Maintaining accurate training records is an important if often overlooked aspect of your health and safety programme, and can help to demonstrate your commitment to employee safety while at work.
Prodeceo helps by recording all training activities from eLearning to instructor led and external training, so you know that your records are up to date and stored securely offsite.
That is one less thing to give you nightmares!
The A-Z of Training: Z is for Zigzag
Posted by Adam Chester on 29/10/2014 at 09:20
Many companies go through phases of heavily using e-learning which are followed by periods where instructor-led training is preferred. This zigzag approach to learning and development means that the learning and development strategy is constantly being changed.
There are many benefits to using e-learning for training staff; Training can be taken at any time, travel costs are reduced and outcomes can easily be tracked. These benefits are attractive and when executed well e-learning experiences can be rich and stimulating, however poor quality e-learning resources can destroy the will of even the most committed learner.
Where the learners report that they are not satisfied with the e-learning experience, the natural action is to move to instructor-led sessions with an experienced instructor who is knowledgeable and can cater for the needs of the group. This personal interaction has numerous benefits; Learners can ask questions and a wide range of techniques can be used. The main drawback to this approach is scheduling sessions when they are needed- do you really want your new inductees to wait until there are enough people to make the session viable?
This issue makes e-learning appear more desirable, and at this point many organisations consider returning to it. This creates a zigzag between e-learning and instructor-led training. Over time an organisation may discover a blend of training which works, but only after significant time and money is spent through trial and error.

Zigzagging of Learning and Development
Developing blended learning programmes that use the features of each medium to best effect can prevent these wholesale changes between e-learning and face-to-face learning. This requires a balanced view from the start but saves a great deal of organisational change later on.
The A-Z of Training: Y is for Yield
Posted by Adam Chester on 22/10/2014 at 10:26
As learners begin to access your materials in a more on demand style are you ready to yield control of their learning to them?
Modern technologies allow you to distribute your learning experiences around the world from the comfort of the office and report on them on the train home. These new technologies mean that you can benefit from enthusiastic learners who spend time developing themselves.
In our training A-Z we have seen a number of articles encouraging you to enable self directed learning in your organisation. While most L&D professionals see this as a good thing, some have difficulty in letting go of the direct management of learners.
I personally see this occurring most in environments with heavy regulation and compliance requirements. This is understandable given the consequences that can arise from non-compliance. Where employees are empowered to control their own learning and understand its implications from personal and company perspectives then facilitating development becomes easier.
Yielding control of learning and personal development shares the workload between you and the learner helping to increase engagement and participation.
Training With Technology 2014
Posted by Adam Chester on 16/10/2014 at 16:26
Prodeceo are pleased to be co-hosting Training With Technology in conjunction with Imagine Training.
The seminar is an essential event for HR, L&D and IT managers involved in the training process. We have an exciting speaker programme and the opportunity to network with your peers.
You can register for the event by calling 01952 581550 or visiting